What do YOU really know about Nebraska?Before you can travel to any far away places or foreign lands, you must be knowledgeable about the state that you live. It is important for you as a resident of Nebraska to know some of the details and facts about your state.
The Task
ResourcesUse the following internet sites to help you find the information you need to complete this project. Online: Visit some historical facts about Nebraska: http://infoplease.lycos.com/ipa/A0108240.htm Visit this site for facts about Nebraska http://www.ipl.org/youth/stateknow/ Visit this site to find out information on our state flag: http://nol.org/home/SOS/htm/flag.htm Visit two of the four Native American Tribes of Nebraska: http://www.esu3.k12.ne.us/districts/gretna/elem/nawebpages/nativeamericantribes.html Visit two historical landmarks: http://www.neupc.org/scotts bluff.html http://www.nebraskahistory.org/sites/rock/moreinfo.htm Visit Lewis and Clark and the Oregon Trail: http://www.neupc.org/NEHistExpl.html Visit Nebraska rivers: http://www.ngpc.state.ne.us/wildlife/cranes/menu.htm http://www.gorp.com/gorp/activity/paddling/pad_niobrara.htm
The ProcessTo accomplish the task, your team should go through the following steps and check off each of them after you have them completed so you know that you have included everything .
Learning AdviceAs your group gathers and puts together all of your information, make sure it is kept in your "group folders." Do not take any of this project home so none of your "hard" work gets lost. I will give you plenty of time to work on and finish this project. Remember to work together - you are a team!!!!
ConclusionBy the time that you finish this assignment you should know more about Nebraska then you ever did before! Please go ahead and add more information about Nebraska in your books. The more that you add the more that you learn. I know that all of you will do a terrific job on this project! I am very excited to see your final projects!